Work from the text below to make your own press release for your Shore Stories event or tour:



Your Name, Your Organization
Your Email Address
Your Phone Number

Co-Host Org Representative’s Name, Co-Host Organization
Co-Host Email Address
Co-Host Phone Number

Shore Stories Screens in [CITY NAME] to Say NO 
to Offshore Drilling


Date Release is Going Out, City & State – Beginning next week, several [city name] organizations will host Shore Stories. The program features six short documentary films that highlight the grassroots resistance taking place across the US, as well as stories from past oil and gas exploration – including the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster.

The event will include a discussion led by those who are working to keep offshore drilling and seismic testing away from [your city/state name].

As the Trump Administration moves to expand offshore drilling in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic oceans, as well as the Gulf of Mexico, people across the country are standing up against these plans. Shore Stories is a resource in these efforts, exposing residents to powerful media and connecting them to the timeliest actions.

[A couple sentences explaining the context of offshore drilling in your community. What does it threaten locally? Why is it a bad idea?]

[“Quote from yourself or another co-host backing up claims made in the paragraph above with an emphasis on why this event is important and what you want to accomplish.”] Example 1: “Tourism in Georgia is working wonderfully and I believe it will continue to grow.  To risk hurting that industry for an unproven new one doesn’t make sense to me” said David Halyard, Chef/Owner of Halyard Restaurant Group; Hook and Knife Charters. Example 2: “The Trump administration has put forth the most aggressive and irresponsible offshore leasing plan in history, placing 90% of the outer continental shelf in the crosshairs of the oil and gas industry. Offshore drilling would devastate North Carolina’s precious marine ecosystem and decimate the thriving coastal economies that rely so heavily on tourism. As we reach out to the public to educate and encourage participation, resources like Shore Stories create an emotional connection to these beautiful places, a visceral impact that is impossible to replicate through flyers or campaign signs.” – Erin Carey, Coastal Conservation Program Coordinator, Sierra Club North Carolina

Shore Stories is a project of Working Films, a national nonprofit organization based in Wilmington, NC. Recognizing the power of stories to inspire and transform, Working Films builds partnerships between nonfiction media-makers, nonprofit organizations, educators and advocates to advance social justice and environmental sustainability, and support community-based change.

Venue Name
Venue Address Line One
Venue Address Line Two
