How Do Our Genes Affect Our Health? A new film in our portfolio explores this question just as a bill protecting our genetic information is signed into law.

I have long been intrigued by the question of to what degree our personalities and our health are affected by our genes versus our environment. Through reading and film I’ve learned more and more about how pollutants in our environment put as at risk for health problems, and simultaneously I have marveled at scientists’ capacity to unlock the human genome. Among other advances brought about through these new scientific understandings, we now have the tools to help us learn whether a certain gene might increase our risk of cancer or…

Opportunity Blocked

North Carolina made headlines this week in the national immigration debate. The state’s community colleges will no longer admit undocumented immigrants. At least until federal officials determine whether or not it is legal to do so. This reverses a decision made by the college system last year that permitted the 58 individual campuses across the state to make their own individual enrollment decisions. For those who do not know, Working Films is based on the coast of North Carolina. I remember being inspired and moved by the stand our local…

Environmental Justice on Earth Day and Beyond

On Earth Day many people are looking to environmental organizations to help them understand how they can reduce their consumption, stop global warming, and other efforts to improve the health of our Earth. These are important issues to tackle, but I find it even more exciting to discover organizations that are making additional strides to address environmental and social justice at the same time. The Oakland Food Connection is an environmental justice organization in the Bay Area that brings together practical gardening, food security and nutrition to urban schools. One…

Working Films @ MASS MoCA

Anayansi Prado and Terri Evans at the Content + Intent Documentary Institute at MASS MoCA. Last week Working Films hosted the 2008 Content + Intent Documentary Institute at MASS MoCA. For five days, filmmakers at various stages in the production of their films came together to develop strategic plans for outreach and impact. Participants included Julianna Brannum (LaDonna Harris: Indian 101), Nicholas Bruckman (La Americana), Liz Canner (Orgasm Inc.), Arwen Curry (Global Moms: Iran [working title]), Sean Flynn (Beyond Belief), Terri Evans (The Pact), Jolene Pinder and Sara Zaman (Bismallah:…

Fossil Fools Day

The film Everything’s Cool explores what it will take to move America from laggard nation to world leader on addressing global warming and ushering in a new energy economy. Working Films has brought together the filmmakers and messengers featured in Everything’s Cool and the Energy Action Coalition. We invite you to host a movie and action night for Fossil Fools Day on April 1st. Join thousands of youth from around the world who are taking action against the biggest fossil fools and building a cleaner and just energy future. Hold…

Interview with Former Park Scholar Jeremy Levine

Jeremy Levine arrived at Working Films for a summer internship as a Park Scholar from Ithaca College in 2005. During that time he redeveloped our website, both increasing it’s usability and functionality. He has since graduated from Ithaca College and relocated to Brooklyn, NY where he has launched his filmmaking career with familiar partners, a new film and exciting projects. I recently had the honor of talking with him about his past experiences at Working Films and his current projects. Kristin Henry: You came to Working Films through the Park…

Torture and the 2008 Elections

In 2007 the issue of torture made its way to the forefront of political current events. Leaked memos condoning harsh interrogation tactics in October were followed later that month by evasive testimony from Attorney General Michael Mukasey on the legality of waterboarding during his confirmation hearings. Then in December it was revealed that the CIA destroyed at least two video tapes depicting the brutal interrogations of two al-Qaida suspects. As the reality of the Bush administration’s torture policy is unraveling on the world stage, what has clearly changed since the…

Civics 101: An Electorate That Thinks Critically

“If there’s one thing that Latinos have in common, it’s a complete lack of commonality.” This line in an NPR commentary by Daniel Hernandez caught my attention as I drove home from work recently. Hernandez, a Mexican American blogger in his 20s, was expressing his indignation at pundits’ stereotypical assumptions about the “Latino Vote” in the democratic primaries of Super Tuesday. As Hernandez spoke, my mind jumped to the photos that illustrate the homepage of Working Films’ multi-media curriculum project New Faces: Latinos in North Carolina – the youthful grin…

Working Films Profile

By Kathie deNobriga Arts & Democracy Project Center for Civic Participation Fall 2007 In my work as a curator, I was excited that 200 people could sit in a dark room, see a film, be moved, and ask, ‘what can we do?’ I began to think about how to be more deliberate in getting the right people in the room. And I realized we needed good answers to that question about “what to do”, and that many of the best answers were going to be local answers. So then, Judith…