Working Films, North Carolina NAACP & Allies Present MORAL MOVIES

Working Films, the NC-NAACP, and state and local organizations from around North Carolina are partnering to present MORAL MOVIES – a four month series of award-winning films to jumpstart community dialogue and action on social, economic, and environmental issues relevant to the state. The series of free screenings will kick off with American Teacher, a … Continued

Working Films, North Carolina NAACP & Allies Present MORAL MOVIES

Working Films, the NC-NAACP, and state and local organizations from around North Carolina are partnering to present MORAL MOVIES – a four month series of award-winning films to jumpstart community dialogue and action on social, economic, and environmental issues relevant to the state. The series of free screenings will kick off with American Teacher, a … Continued

Movies For a Moral Movement

Working Films’ home state of North Carolina gained national attention this year for its Moral Monday protests, when thousands gathered at the capitol building every Monday from April through July to protest the regressive actions of the state legislature. From cuts to unemployment insurance, to tax cuts for the state’s wealthiest citizens, loosening of environmental regulations, … Continued

Citizen Koch Screens Sunday at Power Shift

Sneak Peek of Citizen Koch on Sunday at 10:15 am, room 406 Q&A with Center for Media and Democracy / ALEC Exposed America – They’re Coming for You Next! That’s the warning featured in the documentary Citizen Koch which comes from a Wisconsin state employee after her union rights were destroyed by a Republican governor funded by corporate … Continued

Reel Power in TX and NC

Our core Reel Power effort in 2012 was a series of targeted grassroots screening events where this year we are going deeper with two of the Reel Power Film Festival hosts to do more interconnected work. We are working with statewide climate coalitions to use Reel Power film collections, starting in Texas. Our lead partner … Continued

Citizen Koch in North Carolina

What do North Carolina and Wisconsin have in common? On the surface of it, perhaps not much: one has subzero winter temperatures and the other sweltering summers with off the charts humidity. But more and more people are seeing parallels between the tar heel and badger states, particularly the power of unregulated big money in … Continued

Putting Reel Economy to Work

We’ve recently returned from a week in Boston with our Reel Economy partner, United for a Fair Economy (UFE) for Raise the Roots, the annual conference of the Tax Fairness Organizing Collaborative. We kicked off the conference with an sneak peek screening of the dynamic documentary Inequality for All. Starring Robert Reich, it’s being lauded … Continued

Raise the Roots & Reel Economy

We are excited to announce that Reel Economy will be part of the 2013 Tax Fairness Organizing Collaborative’s Annual Conference from June 4-6 in Boston, MA. The Tax Fairness Organizing Collaborative, is a network of state-level grassroots organizations that advocate for progressive and adequate state taxes. This conference will be open to allies and advocates … Continued

Raise the Roots & Reel Economy

We are excited to announce that Reel Economy will be part of the 2013 Tax Fairness Organizing Collaborative’s Annual Conference from June 4-6 in Boston, MA. The Tax Fairness Organizing Collaborative, is a network of state-level grassroots organizations that advocate for progressive and adequate state taxes. This conference will be open to allies and advocates … Continued

Reel Economy Filmmaker Launches Corporate Accountability App

Timed to the February 4th PBS Independent Lens rebroadcast of his award-winning documentary As Goes Janesville, Brad Lichtenstein is launching BizVizz, the first mobile iPhone app to make corporate behavior transparent. Just snap a picture of a brand’s logo and a simple graphic screen instantly displays essential facts about America’s largest corporations. Do they pay … Continued