Our core Reel Power effort in 2012 was a series of targeted grassroots screening events where this year we are going deeper with two of the Reel Power Film Festival hosts to do more interconnected work.
We are working with statewide climate coalitions to use Reel Power film collections, starting in Texas. Our lead partner is the Texas Drought Project (TDP), which works to bring together experts in farming, ranching, climatology and environmental science across the state to present forums and work with communities in key regions most affected by drought to develop and pursue specific solutions. We are working with TDP to convene stakeholders this Summer when we will plan tactics for using Reel Power to launch a statewide campaign. The focus will be on generating awareness and action in key Texas regions that are feeling the effects of climate change and dirty energy practices.
Target audiences include students, academics, farmers and ranchers and those communities most affected by the ravages of climate change. TDP’s participation builds on their involvement in the 2012 Reel Power Film Festival. This, along with 2013 efforts, will offer a case study and “how to” resource for using media to bolster organizing efforts to curb climate change. We intend to use this as a model that we can replicate in other states.
In North Carolina, we’re planning a strategy meeting this Fall featuring Reel Engagement films with our goal to support and assist with further building and mobilizing the Moral Monday movement and to advance the work of NC organizations working for economic, environmental and social justice. Moral Monday is a series of ongoing, nonviolent protests at the North Carolina General Assembly that have been happening every Monday since April 29 (not including Memorial Day) led by the NC NAACP with a coalition of allied groups participating. The protests are meant to demonstrate a push back against an extreme agenda that includes cuts to education, social programs and
unemployment benefits; a rush to frack; rejecting Medicaid expansion; new restrictions on voting and labor rights; among other policies. Select Reel Power films will be highlighted to offer participants a way to keep the momentum of Moral Monday going after the legislative session ends and to build a broader base. Our statewide partners include Clean Water for North Carolina who hosted the Reel Power Film Festival last year.