Story Leads to Action: What’s On Your Plate & Pipe Fire

    This month at 92Y Tribeca, our STORY LEADS TO ACTION series will celebrate two films in our REEL FOOD initiative: What’s on Your Plate?: two years and running with extraordinary impact and more to come, and Pipe Fire, just starting it’s engagement campaign. What’s On Your Plate? is a witty and thought-provoking documentary about … Continued

Story Leads to Action: What's On Your Plate & Pipe Fire

    This month at 92Y Tribeca, our STORY LEADS TO ACTION series will celebrate two films in our REEL FOOD initiative: What’s on Your Plate?: two years and running with extraordinary impact and more to come, and Pipe Fire, just starting it’s engagement campaign. What’s On Your Plate? is a witty and thought-provoking documentary about … Continued

Reflections on Real Girls, Reel Change

Last week Working Films, The Fledgling Fund and Chicken & Egg Pictures hosted a 3 day workshop where 6 filmmakers came together to create audience engagement plans so that their films result in Reel Change.  All of the films tell the stories of and touch on issues that affect girls and young women. During the … Continued

Chicken & Egg's take on Real Girls, Reel Change: Day 3

Reposted from Chicken & Egg Picture’s Blog By Natalie Difford Wednesday 10/21/2009 Two days of intensive workshops, sharing and, ultimately, caring for one another’s projects at the REAL GIRLS REEL CHANGE retreat made for a riveting final day at the 92Y Tribeca. Here, the six filmmakers were given opportunity to share and “pitch” their projects … Continued

Chicken & Egg’s take on Real Girls, Reel Change: Day 3

Reposted from Chicken & Egg Picture’s Blog By Natalie Difford Wednesday 10/21/2009 Two days of intensive workshops, sharing and, ultimately, caring for one another’s projects at the REAL GIRLS REEL CHANGE retreat made for a riveting final day at the 92Y Tribeca. Here, the six filmmakers were given opportunity to share and “pitch” their projects … Continued