A Homecoming for “Our School” A Guest Blog by filmmaker Mona Nicoara

After starting in festivals in Europe and the US, Our School finally had its premiere in Romania – a homecoming of sorts for the film and an event that we have been anticipating for almost six years. We shot in a small town in Transylvania, a very real place in Northern Romania. Our intention was … Continued

A Homecoming for "Our School" A Guest Blog by filmmaker Mona Nicoara

After starting in festivals in Europe and the US, Our School finally had its premiere in Romania – a homecoming of sorts for the film and an event that we have been anticipating for almost six years. We shot in a small town in Transylvania, a very real place in Northern Romania. Our intention was … Continued

Good Pitch at Silverdocs

Whew, just back from Washington DC and the Good Pitch @ Silverdocs, where it was hot hot hot – both inside the Performing Arts Center with an amazing lineup of films and responses from funders, NGOs, and strategists, and outside, where the temp hovered around 99. Jess Search, of C4 BRITDOC, set up a time … Continued

Working Films Goes to Silverdocs

This edition of the Good Pitch takes place at Silverdocs, near Washington DC. It brings together inspiring social-purpose film projects and a group of expert participants from charities, foundations, brands and media to form powerful alliances around groundbreaking films. THE LINEUP We are delighted to announce that we have selected the lineup for the Good … Continued

Another round of the Good Pitch!

The call for submissions for the Good Pitch Forum at Silverdocs 2010 is open! The Good Pitch is a one-day forum set to take place during the Festival (June 22-27, 2010), bringing together specially selected foundations, NGOs, social entrepreneurs, brands and broadcasters to maximize the impact and create powerful alliances around groundbreaking films. The Good … Continued

SilverDocs now accepting submissions for 2010

SILVERDOCS supports the diverse voices and free expression of independent storytellers and fosters the power of documentary to enhance our understanding of the world. Important Deadlines to remember when submitting your film(s): Early Deadline for Submissions is January 15, 2010 Regular Deadline for Submissions is March 12, 2010 Late Deadline for Submissions is March 19, … Continued

Good Fortune at SILVERDOCS

We are excited that our former Ithaca Park Scholar, Jeremy Levine, is heading to SILVERDOCS this week for the World Premiere of a film that he has been working tirelessly on with his filmmaking partner Landon Van Soest. Good Fortune explores how massive, international efforts to alleviate poverty in Africa may be undermining the very … Continued

Lineup for the Good Pitch at SILVERDOCS

The Good Pitch North America tour, taking place at the the AFI-Discovery Channel SILVERDOCS Festival on 16 June 2009, is a partnership between the Channel 4 BRITDOC Foundation and the Sundance Institute documentary Film Program, generously supported by the Fledgling Fund and us, Working Films. From over 300 applications, eight filmmaking teams have been selected … Continued

The Good Pitch Comes to SILVERDOCS – Call for Entries

The second stop for The Good Pitch in North America will be at SILVERDOCS: AFI/Discovery Channel Documentary Festival June 18-22nd, near Washington, D.C. The Good Pitch at SILVERDOCS is now open for submissions. The deadline is Monday, March 16, 2009. The Good Pitch is a unique opportunity for filmmakers to pitch social-issue documentary projects and … Continued