Environmental Justice
Film and Activism

A look into our Filmmaker Services: Consultations

December 4, 2008 BY Molly Murphy

Working Films offers a range of services specifically for filmmakers. Among those services are resource documents, residencies, summit meetings and free consultations to name a few. Over the years, we have provided one-on-one consultations to over 450 filmmakers at many different stages of their film. Many filmmakers are full of questions while some aren’t really quite sure where to begin. Prior to the actual conversation, filmmakers fill out a short, four question form about their film which helps prepare us in finding the best possible strategies and suggestions for their campaign. During these interactions, we give each filmmaker a quick rundown of the work we do and our methodology to creating a successful outreach campaign.

Over the years, we have met many remarkable filmmakers through these consultations and it is always fulfilling to hear back from them about the progress of their film.

We recently heard back from Todd Darling whose film, A Snow Mobile for George, tells the story of how the Bush Administration’s de-regulation policies affect everyday people’s lives. Todd shared that he recently received a grant for audience engagement which allowed him to show the film to key audiences nationwide, including at the Center for American Progress and the School of Forestry & Environmental Studies at Yale University. These efforts in turn led to positive feedback on the film.

If I hadn’t gotten the grant, there would have been far fewer screenings, and that grant would not have been possible without the input of Working Films

– Todd Darling

In the future, we will be offering webinars that focus on the most common questions we receive from filmmakers that delve into forming partnerships with organizations, multi-platform distribution to niche audiences, funding for audience engagement campaigns and many more topics. Providing resources to help advance the work of filmmakers, organizers and activists is extremely important to us. We hope that these services reach out to those who are looking for them and will help launch a successful film campaign.

If you are interested in scheduling a free consultation with one of the Working Films team members, please fill out the form here.


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