Are you looking for a movie that reveals the social and environmental costs of coal power, explores the murky realities of “clean coal,” and profiles innovators who could lead the way to a renewable energy future? Bring Dirty Business, produced by the Center for Investigative Reporting, to your community to explore these issues. Host a house party or community screening.
Join Communities Across the Country
Here are a few that have already used Dirty Business:
Student Greenpeace, Michigan State University
Working to replace the coal plant with renewable energy on campus, students at MSU showed Dirty Business. Greenpeace reported back:
“It was an incredible evening. Students ended the night with an inspirational speech by student leader Tabitha Skervin. She called on students to mobilize for their planet, and join a march from the campus coal plant to administration building on 10/10/10.”
Lawrence and Wichita, Kansas
Facing a coal plant expansion, Dirty Business screened in Kansas communities.
“People I spoke with liked that the film looked at the entire lifecycle of coal vs. only covering one aspect of coal, such as mining,” said Stephanie Cole of Sierra Club Kansas. “One person also commented to me that it was encouraging to see folks outside of Kansas who are also opposing coal plants.”
Visit our our Dirty Business page for more information on the film.