It’s no surprise North Carolinians are organizing in opposition to the cynical Amendment One ballot initiative timed for the primary on May 8th. Amendment One would codify a ban on same-sex marriage AND nullify civil unions and domestic partnerships of all couples – gay or straight. Our friends at the Daily Kos have some recent encouraging news on the likely outcome from voters. In January, Jen Jones with Race to the Ballot started literally running across the state to raise awareness in towns from the mountains of Asheville to the coast. People from both sides of the issue came out in the small town of Sandhills when she arrived to have an open, honest, and transformative discussion about the harms of this discriminatory measure. Watch this MUST SEE video of their exchange:
At other stops in NC communities, Jen met organizers who were holding screenings of Working Films’ Reel Equality films as part of efforts to engage voters to come out and say NO! on May 8th.
On Friday, March 2nd, Jen concluded her statewide race in our hometown of Wilmington, where 100+ folks turned out to welcome her to the waterfront (see pics). The following day, ALL OF US NC held a one-day training at the Working Films’ firehouse, energizing organizers from all over the Eastern part of the state to tell their neighbors about this hateful amendment. To all of us who live here in North Carolina – our co-workers, our fellow congregation members, our friends and families, and vulnerable and questioning youth – if this amendment passes, the place we call home will be saying “Sorry, you’re not welcome here.” We’re not letting that happen without a fight!