Activists and Nonprofits are turning to YouTube to spread their message
As a media and technology activist, I’ve been researching, testing and tweaking ideas on how to incorporate social networking into Working Films’ online presence. Since we work with documentaries, we needed a visible place to host trailers and video clips and to also spark discussions about films in an interactive way. It was only a matter of time before we would turn to YouTube, the 3rd most visited website on the Internet according to Alexa, to fulfill that need.
Many organizations have started using YouTube’s non-profit program to spread their message and calls to action to a wider audience. Working Films recently became a part of this program and shortly after, our Biofuels High video was featured in the Spotlight section of the YouTube Nonprofits and Activism page. The clip, which you can view below, is a video extra from the Everything’s Cool Activist DVD. The clip highlights the Automotive High School in Brooklyn, NY and how their students are the future engineers and visionaries for a green energy economy.
More recently, another video extra from the Everything’s Cool Activist DVD, Green Jobs Revolution, was featured on the Nonprofits and Activism page. We’re hoping that these opportunities will help us spread the powerful messages in the films we work with and will encourage people to share their opinions about the issues raised.
You can view more videos at Working Films’ YouTube page. And be sure to leave us a comment!
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